Expert guide Tony Pennebaker shares his Lake Tawakoni Summer Channel Catfishing Techniques to help anglers catch legal limits fast. Long time Lake Tawakoni Fishing Guide Tony Pennebaker knows how to catch big numbers of Channel Catfish very fast on Lake Tawakoni, and he will share his top fishing tips to make you a better angler.
Do Channel Catfish Come To You on Lake Tawakoni?
The number one mistake we see with Summer Channel Catfish Anglers is time management! Please use your sonar to locate Channel Catfish, but find another spot if you do not catch fish in twenty minutes. Following the twenty-minute rule on Lake Tawakoni will make every Channel Catfish Angler more successful. Channel Catfish will move every day, and so should anglers. The only time we suggest spending more time in one spot is if anglers are setting out a chum line to draw Channel Catfish to a location.
Lake Tawakoni Channel Catfish Relate to Cover
Where do Channel Catfish congregate on Lake Tawakoni? Channel Catfish love the heavy cover and will school up around;
*Boat Docks
*Dead Timber
*Dam Rock Rip-Rap
*Lilly Pads
Channel Catfish seek this cover because it provides shade, protection, food sources, and a spawning area.
Lake Tawakoni is full of dead timber, and most of our Summer Channel Catfishing will relate to this structure. Depending on the time of year, we will fish in 5 feet to 25 feet of water.
Lake Tawakoni Summer Channel Catfishing Techniques-The Gear
Thundercove Catfish Guide Service is a sponsor-free outfitter on Lake Tawakoni. We share information with readers and hope it makes them better anglers. We also share our knowledge in hopes of readers booking a catfishing trip. We won’t link to manufacturer’s websites to drive sales. Casting a slip float rig is the best way to catch eater channel catfish on Lake Tawakoni. A seven-foot-six-inch spinning rod with 10-12 lb orange monofilament is the finesse way to catch big numbers of Summer Channel Catfish on Lake Tawakoni. Please follow Summer Catfish Tips for more information.

Channel Catfish Bite on Lake Tawakoni
The finesse spinning rod and slip float setup allows anglers to cast, flip, pitch, and work heavy cover where channel catfish congregate. Yes, we use punch bait and plop our bobbers near timber with great success. Anglers need preparation for the lite bite of eater channel catfish. Coaching the lite channel catfish bite is my number two responsibility on our summer trips. Number one, find the fish; number two, make sure clients understand this is not the rip-the-rod-out-of your-hands Blue Catfish bite.
The Slip Float Rig for Lake Tawakoni Channel Catfish
The slip float rig is the best way to present punch bait to Lake Tawakoni Channel Catfish in heavy cover or near the timber. Look for shallow water buck-brush, dam rip-rap rocks, boat docks, and standing timber. Channel Catfish will let go of your punch bait if they feel resistance. The punch bait must look and feel natural, so please do not use too much weight. The number one mistake we see with slip float rigs is weight-related. The split shot should not overpower the rig. Start with a tiny split shot. If a Channel Catfish feels resistance from an over-weighted rig, anglers will miss bites! The more sensitive your slip bobber rig is, the more fish you will detect. Hook sets are free, so set them quickly and often!
Slip Bobber Rig Hook Size
Channel Catfish have a tough mouth, and a sharp, strong hook is mandatory for your success. Hook size is important too. Large treble hooks will not catch eater-size Channel Catfish. Choosing a tiny treble hook will create many reties. Small hooks will get swallowed by hungry Channel Catfish. We like a size four and size six hook depending on the Channel Catfish size we are catching. A black platinum hook will be very sharp and strong enough for larger catfish.
We hope you have enjoyed our blog post on Lake Tawakoni Summer Channel Catfishing Techniques. Look for structure (trees-buck brush), use punch bait, fish a slip bobber rig with minimal weight, and set the hook quickly. If you would like to book a trip, please follow Lake Tawakoni Catfish Guide for more information.

About The Author
Meet Lake Tawakoni Fishing Guide Tony Pennebaker! Tony is the owner-operator of and Thunder Cove Guide Service. Tony targets trophy blue catfish from November to March and puts big fish in the net! Spring and summer you will find Tony chasing Channel Catfish! Lake Tawakoni Fishing Guide Tony Pennebaker has over 30 years experience fishing Lake Tawakoni and now is a full-time guide! Tony loves to show clients why Lake Tawakoni is the Catfish Capital of Texas!
Source: Lake Tawakoni Fishing Guide-Tony Pennebaker
Lake Tawakoni Fishing Guide Tony Pennebaker Contact Information
Corporate Headquarters
2201 E Rabbit Cove Rd.
West Tawakoni, TX 75474
[email protected]
Lake Tawakoni Trophy Blue Catfish Trips
Lake Tawakoni Fishing Guide Tony Pennebaker targets Catfish year-round on Lake Tawakoni